Privacy Policy


The purpose of this policy is to inform customers of Ceres Group, Inc. and its subsidiary and affiliated companies (“Ceres”) and users of Ceres websites regarding the collection and use of Customer Information (as defined below).


The exchange of information is critical in business relationships.  Customers and potential customers (“Customers”), in their interactions with Ceres, may provide and disclose various types of information to Ceres which enables Ceres to provide products, services or support to its Customers. In some cases, providing this information to Ceres’ equipment manufacturers and suppliers (“Equipment Manufacturers”) furthers Ceres’ mission to provide these benefits to its Customers.  This information will be referred to throughout this policy as “Customer Information.”

Implementation and Responsibility

Ceres recognizes the importance of Customer Information to its Customers and has enacted this Privacy Policy to set out how it will collect, communicate and disclose, and make use of its Customer Information.  Due to the nature of Ceres’ business, it is anticipated that this information will be of a commercial nature and not consumer or personal information.

Collection of Customer Information

Ceres may obtain Customer Information from a variety of sources, including, without limitation, Customer transactions and related documents, Customer survey responses, equipment technology, its website or other Customer interacting technology, Customer inquiries, third party brokers, resellers and data aggregators or industry sources.

The Customer Information will generally include, but is not limited to, Customer name, company size and sector, individual contact names and job titles, postal address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail addresses, and equipment owned and/or used by Customer.  Ceres also has access Customer Information that is generated from equipment usage.

Ceres’ websites utilize session cookies.  A session cookies is a small text file that is temporarily placed on a user’s device to allow website operators to link the actions of a user during a browser session.  A browser session starts when a user opens the browser window and finishes when they close the browser window. Session cookies are created temporarily.   Once a user closes the browser, all session cookies are deleted.  You can generally opt out of the use of cookies by changing your browser settings; however, if you choose to not have your browser accept cookies from the Ceres site, certain site functionality may be lost, you will not experience a personalized visit,  nor will you be able to subscribe to the service offerings on the Site.

Ceres Use of Customer Information

In all cases, Ceres will utilize Customer Information and safeguard it as required by applicable laws.

Ceres’ use of Customer Information generally enables Ceres to provide services to Ceres’ Customers (including order processing, warranty, delivery, installation and support services, invoicing and answering Customer inquiries).  In addition, Ceres may also use Customer Information to improve the level and type of services and products that Ceres offers.  As part of this interest in improving the services and products provided, Customer Information may be processed and enhanced as provided below.

Ceres may from time to time inform its Customers about products and services and other information Ceres feels may be of interest.

To Whom Does Ceres Disclose Customer information?

Ceres may exchange Customer Information within Ceres Group, Inc., its subsidiary and affiliated companies and among their internal departments in order to fulfil sales and support obligations, as well as for marketing, operational or strategic functions. As a general rule, Ceres does not disclose Customer Information to parties outside of Ceres except as set forth herein.

Certain Customer Information of a general nature (i.e. Customer name, address, equipment purchased and serial numbers) that is necessary for post-sale functions by the Equipment Manufacturer (such as documenting purchases and providing warranty and other service functions) may be passed to Equipment Manufacturers.  In addition, the products sold may also contain technology for transmitting information on the product’s use directly to the Equipment Manufacturer.  Equipment Manufacturers may use Customer Information provided by Ceres for their own direct marketing purposes.

In addition, Ceres may contract with a third party marketing consultant(s) and/or data processor(s) to provide strategic guidance, outsource services or exchange, collect and process Customer Information.  In such case, Ceres will enter into a contract with such parties that requires such parties to employ reasonable and appropriate safeguards to protect the confidentiality of Highly Sensitive Customer Information (which is defined as Customer Information of such a sensitive nature that a reasonable person would believe it presents a serious and imminent risk to the Customer’s business if discovered by a competitor or the general public, such as financial data or trade secrets). Ceres does not authorize these third parties to use Customer Information for purposes other than for which they has been provided, and does not authorize these third parties to disclose that information to unauthorized parties or use that information for their direct marketing purposes. Ceres may, as part of its transactions with these parties, allow such parties to aggregate the Customer Information for use in its products.

In certain limited situations, Ceres may share “de-identified” Customer Information with affiliated third parties.  “De-identified” Customer Information means Customer Information which has been scrubbed of the identifying elements so that it does not specifically identify a company or individual and there is no reasonable basis to believe that the company or individual to which the information applies can be discerned.

Unless required by law, Highly Sensitive Customer Information will not be disclosed for use by parties outside Ceres.

Any Customer Information provided to any third party is governed by the third party’s privacy policy.

Finally, Ceres may share Customer Information if required or permitted to do so for any or all of the following reasons: (i) to comply with a subpoena, legal process, government request or any other legal obligation, (ii) to prevent, investigate, detect, or prosecute criminal offenses or attacks on the technical integrity of the website or our network, (iii) to protect the rights, privacy, property, business or safety of Ceres, its partners and employees, the visitors of the website, or the public; and (iv) in conjunction with the sale of all or a part of Ceres’ assets.

Protection of Customer Information Held by Ceres

While it is impossible to avoid all security risks, Ceres takes Customer confidentiality and security very seriously. Ceres has implemented reasonable and appropriate security procedures that restrict access to and disclosure of Customer Information within Ceres.  These procedures will be reviewed from time to time to determine whether they are being complied with and are effective.

Limited Scope of Ceres Website

Ceres is based in the state of Nebraska, United States of America and operates within a limited geographic area. Neither Ceres nor this website markets its goods or services toward the residents of the European Union.

Children’s Privacy

This website is not directed to children under 13.  We do not knowingly, through the website or by any other means, collect personally identifiable information from children under 13.  If a parent or legal guardian becomes aware that his or her child has provided us with personally identifiable information without their consent, he or she may contact us at to review what has been collected or to request the deletion of any information collect.

Opt Out Option and Correcting Your Information

You may opt out of receiving emails from Ceres by following the instructions in those emails.  Please allow ample time for Ceres to process your request.  You may also request changes to your contact preferences and to your information by emailing us at

Transparency In Coverage

Transparency in Coverage information can be found here. 

Contact Details

Questions related to this Privacy Policy should be directed to